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School and Accademy Management System


MVC Architecture

 MVC MVC stands for Model View Controller, these days Most web frameworks use the MVC architecture model. With the help of this architecture, we have divided the backend into three parts. Model: Model is responsible for managing and controlling all data linked with the database, So with the help of models, we can perform all CRUD operations on DB. It allows us to retrieve any kind of data from DB via query and also all functions related to the management of data are written in the model. so you can call the functions for a specific query multiple times without rewriting the same query. View: The view section of code is responsible for managing views in implanting layout and design. and also put the data in the view that is passed to it. Controller: the controller is responsible for taking data from the model and passing it to the requested view from the user, the view will use this data and return a final HTML document which will be returned to the user in the form of the final out...

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